Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another;
love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous. - 1 Peter 3:8
To begin our virtue of the month for December, this year, #givingTuesday fell on the first Tuesday of December (#givingTuesday is always the Tuesday following Thanksgiving). For our school, we chose to support Sts. Mary and Martha Philoptochos at St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church in their “Grab and Give” bag ministry for those experiencing homelessness. Families either donated items or money to purchase items that the children put together in a Ziploc bag. We were able to put together 48 bags!
I shared the following with the children while they were putting the bags together:
Mrs. B: How many of you ate breakfast this morning? (raise your hand)
How many of you have a snack when you go home after school?
How many of you know that you will have dinner tonight?
How many of you eat a snack before going to bed? (not quite as many hands raised)
Mrs. B.: I drive by a gentleman standing on the street corner a few times a week. When I am able, I give him one of the Grab and Give bags. One day, this gentleman told me that sometimes, the bag that I give to him is the only food that he eats that day. We are given so much and our faith teaches us to show compassion to one another.
These bags are located under the ASA bulletin board. Please take a few, keep them in your vehicle, and when you encounter a person experiencing homelessness, give them a bag. This is a small act of compassion that we can show our fellow man.
May it be blessed!
Christina Blankenstein